FAQ USA Uniform Registration Number
What is a Uniform Registration Number?
The registration number (REG. NO.) is a license to sell. The REG. NO. is also known as a Uniform Registration Number (URN). The REG. NO. must be provided to the customers. The license will also require future renewals.
Who needs it and Why?
A REG. NO. is required in 14 states for manufacturers selling in any of the 14 states. It is also required for any company with on-line sales.
Which States (USA) require a REG. NO.?
States that require a REG. NO. for:
Bedding and/or Upholstered Furniture:
(REG. NO. must be listed on the Law Labels).
- California (CA)
- Connecticut (CT)
- Delaware (DE)
- Michigan (MI), Detroit
- Massachusetts (MA)
- North Carolina (NC)
- Ohio (OH)
- Oklahoma (OK)
- Pennsylvania (PA)
- Rhode Island (RI)
- Utah (UT)
- Virginia (VA)
- West Virginia (WV)
Bed Mattress and Box Springs:
- New York (NY)
Quilted Clothing (filled garments):
- Utah (UT)
A REG. NO. is also required for retailers, brand names, sellers, buyers, distributors, supply dealers, importers, and wholesalers whose company name is found on the Law Label below the “MADE FOR” section:
- California (CA)
- Connecticut (CT)
- Michigan (MI), Detroit
- Massachusetts (MA)
- Ohio (OH)
- Oklahoma (OK)
- Utah (UT)
- Virginia (VA)
How do I apply?
Contact any IDFL office at [email protected]