IDFL Bangladesh
Since its development into a modern capital city, the population, area, and diversity have increased tremendously. Now the city has over eight million people and the city is one of the most densely industrialized regions in Bangladesh. As the tenth-largest and the fourth-most densely populous city in the world, there’s no wonder why Bangladesh relies on Dhaka for much of its economic growth.
In fact, the city now proudly accounts for as much as 35% of Bangladesh's economy, making it prime for investment opportunities. Some of its thriving industries include finance, banking, manufacturing, telecommunications and service sectors, tourism, hotels, restaurants, and apparel and textiles. Bangladesh's garment industry has been the main source of foreign exchange for the past 25 years and holds the biggest market share of global garment exports of any country.
With this in mind, IDFL decided to bring their 40+ years of experience and expertise to the country. IDFL Bangladesh provides inspection, audit, testing, and consulting services to clients across Bangladesh.
With attention to detail, our team is proud to serve Bangladesh. We understand first-hand that the garment and apparel industry in Bangladesh will only continue to grow and prosper which is why IDFL is here to help with ongoing demands. By employing our services you will receive expert care and a team dedicated to making your business or organization prosper. We offer a bevy of services and can tailor our expertise to match your specific needs.
To get started you can fill out a sample submittal form or contact us to speak to one of our team members. We look forward to working with you!
IDFL Bangladesh
Impetus Center, Level 7, 242/B
Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road,
Tejgaon I/A Dhaka - 1208 Bangladesh
Tel: +880 17 5350 9446