Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)


The aim of the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) is to address the welfare of sheep and the land they graze on. The objectives of the standard are to (1) provide the industry with a tool to recognize farmer's best practices, (2) ensure wool comes from farms with responsible land management and (3) practice holistic respect for the animal welfare of the sheep.


RWS has two different scopes, one for farms and another for supply chain companies. IDFL performs RWS certifications for supply chain companies only, including any processing, manufacturing or textile companies.


The RWS requires all sites from farms through the final business to business seller to be certified. Farms are certified according to animal welfare, land management and social modules. All other stages of the supply chain are certified according to Content Claim Standard requirements.

Additional Resources

  • The RWS application form is available here.
  • For questions about the application process, contact the office based on your location here.
  • Visit for more information on the Responsible Wool Standard or click here for a directory of all RWS certified companies.

Audit & Certification Process