IDFL (International Down & Feather Laboratory and Institute) is the largest laboratory for down and feather testing in the world. If products are tested at IDFL, buyers, retailers, and consumers can feels confident that their products meet established standards and regulations.
Label Verification
Every Finished product is required to have a law tag label. The label lists the materials used in making that product. IDFL insures that the label accurately reflects the quality of the product and protects the consumer from being cheated or misled.
Product Claims
Manufactures make certain claims about the quality of their products. Such claims include Fill Power, Cleanliness, Thread Count, Size, Net Weight, etc. IDFL verifies these claims to make sure they are accurate.
Manufacturer Integrity
When a manufacturer knows that their products will be tested by IDFL, they make sure product quality matches product claims and labels. Buyers can ensure consistent quality by informing vendors that IDFL will test finished products.
Independent Testing
IDFL is an independent testing laboratory. It is not affiliated with any down and feather vendor, processor, or product manufacturer. IDFL’s 30-year reputation depends on accuracy, independence, integrity, and honesty.
Unequaled Testing Experience
IDFL celebrates 30 years of testing. IDFL is the largest and oldest independent down and feather lab and is recognized worldwide as a leading authority on down & feather testing.
Approved Testing Methods
IDFL follows the appropriate testing methods including IDFB, EN, JIS, AS, ASTM, AATCC, ISO, GB, etc. Many of these methods were originally developed by IDFL.
Double Testing
At IDFL, each test is completed twice – by two separate analysts. The two test results are compared and averaged. If results are dissimilar, further testing is done. Because of double testing, IDFL is confident that our results are consistent, reliable, and accurate.