Water Rinse Conditioning of Samples before Fill Power Testing
(USA-IDFL Water Rinse Conditioning Method)
November 2004

1. Introduction
The fill power of down and feathers may drop after long-term storage, compressed shipment, and assembly into finished products.
The water rinse method can be used to condition samples of down and feathers. This method simulates the positive effects on fill power that occur after normal consumer use and cleaning of down and feather products.
After water rinse conditioning, increases often occur in the fill power of compressed bales and finished products. Increases are small in loosely bagged down and feathers.
2. Equipment
2.1 Wash machine (designed for home laundry).
2.2 A tumble dryer that is capable of controlling the temperature at 50 - 70 degrees Celsius.
2.3 A small cotton bag that can be sewn shut or closed tight with a zipper (50cm x 60cm).
2.4 A fill power conditioning box.
3. Procedure
3.1 Place 50g of down and feather in the cotton bag.
3.2 Wash the bag of down in the washing machine on a normal cycle (gentle agitation, fast spin, warm water). NO SOAP is added. Push bag into water, ensuring the down is completely wet and bag will not float during washing cycle.
3.3 Tumble dry at 50o - 70oC, until the down and feather are completely dry (approximately 60 - 90 minutes).
3.4 Remove down and feather from bag, and place in conditioning box.
3.5 Continue to condition for 72 hours in conditioning box as per normal IDFB procedure.
4. Measure Fill Power (Measure as per the IDFB, EN, USA or JIS procedure)
**Note: As a control, it is wise to always test fill power with and without water rinse conditioning.
Source: IDFL Internal Testing Methods (Rev 2004)