EDFA Traceability Standard
The European Down and Feather Association (EDFA), founded in 1980 and headquartered in Mainz, Germany, is made up of more than 90 companies and national organizations from 23 countries. Companies, including down and feather suppliers and brand names, may apply to join the EDFA.
The aim of the EDFA is to defend consumer interests and animal welfare. Members of the EDFA strictly condemn live-plucking and are committed to a documentary traceability system and code of conduct stipulating that no down or feathers are harvested in a manner that inflicts pain on animals.
The EDFA Traceability Standard serves as a basis for establishing a system capable of obtaining information on the harvesting of down and feathers, and covers their harvesting globally. This standard is a way for companies to publicly align themselves with the ethical harvesting of down and feathers.
Additional Resources
Audit & Certification Process

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