
Higg FEM is an environmental management standard that gives manufacturers, brands, and retailers and their operations insight into how they perform regarding their environmental impact. The aim of the Higg FEM is to allow the company facilities to assess strengths and weaknesses in environmental performance, implement improvement strategies, and scale sustainability improvements.


The Higg FEM is not a pass-or-fail assessment/audit, but rather serves to verify the self-assessment submitted by the facility. The scope of the Higg FEM includes all onsite facilities, processes, equipment, and related areas.


The self-assessment covers the following factors for environmental impact:

  • Environmental Management System (EMS)
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Wastewater
  • Air Emissions
  • Waste
  • Chemical Management

For details on each of these sections of the Higg FEM, see the “How to Higg Guide” here.

Once the verification is complete, the facility can, if they so choose, post their verification results on Higg.org for benchmarking or sharing.


IDFL shares in Cascale's vision: work together toward "an industry that gives back more than it takes -- to the planet and its people". We support its vision and mission to "transform business for exponential impact through groundbreaking tools, collaborative partnerships, and trusted leadership for industry sustainability."

Through IDFL's Higg FEM verification services, IDFL has had hands-on experience with the Higg Index Tools designed to effectively measure environmental impacts of value chains and products.

Read more about Cascale and its vision and mission at Cascale.org.

Additional Resources

  • The Higg FEM application form is available here.
  • For questions about the application process, contact the office based on your location here.

Audit & Certification Process