Organic Content Standard (OCS)
The aim of the Organic Content Standard (OCS) is to increase organic agriculture production and is intended for use with any product that contains at least 5% organically grown material. The objectives of the standard are to (1) provide the industry with the tools to verify the organically grown content of purchased product, (2) provide companies with a tool to communicate organically grown content claims to the industry and (3) provide organic farmers with access to the global organic market.
OCS has two different scopes, one for farms and another for supply chain companies. IDFL performs OCS certifications for supply chain companies only, including any processing, manufacturing or textile companies.
Applicants may choose the type of products they wish to have audited according to the following requirements:
- Supply chain criteria as defined in the Content Claim Standard-101 (CCS)
- Claimed material
Additional Resources
- The OCS application form is available here.
- For questions about the application process, contact the office based on your location here.
- Visit for more information on the Organic Content Standard or click here for a directory of all OCS certified companies.
Audit & Certification Process
- Australia | [email protected]
- Africa | [email protected]
- Bangladesh | [email protected]
- China | [email protected]
- Europe | [email protected]
- India | [email protected]
- North & South America | [email protected]
- Pakistan | [email protected]
- Taiwan | [email protected]
- Turkey | [email protected]
- Vietnam | [email protected]