Natural or Synthetic Quilted/Filled Jackets, Vests, & other Clothing


The State of Utah requires all firms that sell or offer for sale any “quilted” or “filled” clothing in the State of Utah to license with the state government.

  1. An application for license must be submitted to Utah and a Utah license number will be issued.
  2. The license must be renewed each year.
  3. It is not necessary to attach the Utah license number to the clothing.
  4. It is necessary to correctly label the filling material and provide identifying information about the importer, manufacturer and/or responsible party. This identifying information can be the federal RN number (obtained from the US-FTC) or the actual company name and address.

What if a single importer has multiple sources/plant sites where products are manufactured?

Several options exist:

  1. If only the importer’s name appears on the piece of clothing, the importer may apply for a single license that will cover all locations that the product is manufactured. The importer should have a method of tracking down the plant location based upon SKU or some other means. The State of Utah will hold the importer responsible for any product or labeling problems, regardless of who manufactured the clothing or where.
  1. If only the manufacturers’ name appears on the clothing – then each manufacturing site must apply for a Utah license. The State of Utah will then hold the manufacturer responsible for any product or labeling problems. (This license can then be used for all clothing produced by the manufacturer regardless of who is importing the clothing.)
  2. An importer may apply for multiple licenses (one for each manufacturing location). The multiple licenses can be held in the name and address of the importer or in the name and address of the manufacturer.
    This option gives a license only for products manufactured in a specific plant for a specific importer. The State of Utah will hold as responsible for product or labeling problems – the party whose name and address appear on the license.

NOTE: These options exist only for clothing – For bedding products different rules apply.

If you have questions or need to apply for a license please contact:
[email protected]

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