Better Cotton Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard v1.0 Monitoring and Assessment Process


The Better Cotton Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard is the key framework that connects Better Cotton supply (which is produced in accordance with the Better Cotton P&Cs) with demand. The CoC Standard sets out auditable requirements for organizations in the supply chain that are buying or selling physical Better Cotton, or cotton-containing products as Better Cotton Mass Balance orders (as defined in 1.2.1 of the CoC Standard). Manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, and brands can claim the use of physical Better Cotton in their products, or support of our field-level programs through the sourcing of Mass Balance orders, when they adhere to the requirements of the Better Cotton CoC Standard and the Better Cotton Claims Framework.


At each stage of the supply chain the organization shall implement the applicable CoC supply chain model(s) at site level. The CoC requirements and data will be maintained at each site owned by the organization, for all applicable CoC models, including Mass Balance.


  • Management System Requirements
  • Purchasing, Material Receipt, Storage and Production
  • Sales and Goods Out
  • Volume Reconciliation
  • Chain of Custody Supply Chain Modes

Additional Resources

  • The Better Cotton Chain of Custody application form is available here.
  • For questions about the application process, contact the office based on your location here.

Audit & Certification Process