Government of Canada, March 2000
Commercial Down: Plumage that conforms to the following composition requirements:
down and plumules : 75% minimum
waterfowl feathers not more than 60 mm in length (& no quills) : 25% maximum
waterfowl feather fibre and down fibre : 20% maximum
residue (including landfowl feather and landfowl feather fibre) : 5% maximum
*where the components referred to in paragraph (b) to (d) do not exceed 25% of the plumage.
The declaration "down" may not indicate by words or numbers "100%" and the following statement must appear: "NOTE: This product contains an amount of feathers not exceeding that allowable by law"
Down & Waterfowl Feather Blends

Commercial Waterfowl Feather: Plumage that conforms to the following composition requirements:
waterfowl feathers, waterfowl feather fibre, down and down fiber : 95% minimum
residue (including landfowl feather and landfowl feather fibre) : 5% maximum
quill waterfowl feathers not allowed : 0% maximum
Bird of Origin Whenever bird of origin is stated the plumage must be at least 90% of the stated bird.
(SPECIES) For example, a product labelled "goose down" must contain at least 90% goose plumage.
Cleanliness Requirement (Quebec): Oxygen: Max 10
Ontario, Manitoba, and Quebec previously regulated the labeling of stuffed or filled articles, but they don’t anymore. Ontario repealed its Upholstered and Stuffed Articles Regulation on July 1, 2019, Manitoba repealed its Bedding and Other Upholstered or Stuffed Articles Regulation on January 1, 2020, and Quebec repealed its Act Respecting Stuffing and Upholstered and Stuffed Articles (Chapter M-5) on December 9, 2021. These changes do not affect the TLA or TLAR. Dealers must comply with federal labeling requirements as well as any other consumer product safety and protection laws.