Australian Standard currently uses methods outlined in AS 4823 guidelines.
Species (Goose or Duck)
Products can be labeled by specie if 90% of the plumage is of that species.
Cleanliness Requirements
Oxygen Number.......Maximum of 10
The pH value should be 4.0 or greater but not more than 7.0.
Fill Power Claims
After proper conditioning, the fill power of finished products should be maximum -5.0% of the claim.
Determining composition for labeling/packaging
1. Test the product according to AS 4823.3 and determine the percentage down cluster.
2. Round down the above to the nearest 5%.
3. Use this value to refer to the table below to identify other relevant limits, e.g. ‘Landfowl’, ‘Damaged Feathers’, etc.
4. All relevant limits must be met in order to label/package according to the standard.
5. Small feathers are defined as feathers of a length no greater than 60mm. If no testing is conducted, the product may not be labeled with any reference to down clusters and shall be labeled ‘Feathers’.